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Friday 10 February 2012

And I am a Dr!

Good Good Good Good news,....
I finally passed my viva and now, I am a Dr! :)

Don't have that much to say, except I am happy, very happy, absolutely over the moon, not on the ground at the moment, buzzing all over the place, having the biggest smile of my life on my face and not being able to think of anything else!!!

All I can think of is the good things now, all those moments of hard work are only like a flash of smile to me. Those two years that I was cursing badly 2 days ago, is only a memory to me, and to be honest all those bad things don't even come to me anymore, It's just a two year that I cannot remember what happened but I'm sure does not have any contribution in my thesis. But I remember the people very well, and what I learned from each individual. 

From the viva, it was all good moments, it was all victory and success, it was all positive news, positive chat, it was me being told my work is great, it is self-explanatory, there is no question left to be asked, it's a great job, with a comprehensive view over everything, it's a sort of work people do in R&D departments of a solar cell company, it has new things, it has great potential for publication. Actually I remember every second of the viva and it was great, it was me going up and up and being a very good student, being a real Doctor. After 50minutes everything was finished, I was asked all the possible questions and I was a doctor! I came back in and the form was ticked as everything yes yes yes, very minor corrections (I have already done half of it) and "Congratulations, You are a Dr."

Wow! I am a Doctor, and I am a Doctor, and I am a Doctor and I am a Doctor :)